Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO - Hansard- UK Parliament - 16/9/2015

Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO - Hansard - UK Parliament

RICS: Property Act Receiverships - 18/04/2017
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: Property Ac - Hansard - UK Parliament

RBS Global Restructuring Group and SME's - 18/01/2018

RBS Global Restructuring Group and SMEs

Banking Misconduct and the FCA  - 10/05/2018

Banking Misconduct and the FCA

Business Banking Fraud - 09/10/2018

Business Banking Fraud

Copy Write - Kash Back @2024

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Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO - Hansard- UK Parliament - 16/9/2015

Alun Richards and Kashif Shabir: SFO - Hansard - UK Parliament

RICS: Property Act Receiverships - 18/04/2017

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors: Property Ac - Hansard - UK Parliament

RBS Global Restructuring Group and SME's - 18/01/2018

RBS Global Restructuring Group and SMEs

Banking Misconduct and the FCA  - 10/05/2018

Banking Misconduct and the FCA

Business Banking Fraud - 09/10/2018

Business Banking Fraud

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Copy Write - Kash Back @2024